Tuesday 16 October 2012

How to take Free-Kicks

Direct free kicks are the most dangerous things to a goalkeeper. But most people just waste a good chance by missing the target.Free kicks can win and lose games, Learning how to take a free kick can be pivotal to a team's chances of success, and there is nothing more satisfying than bending the ball over the wall into the back of the net.Free-kicks are given so you have an advantage over your opponents - make sure your players are prepared to make the most of them.  Lots of practice is the secret to taking a successful free kick.

The Basics

Planning Your Shot
You have many options, but only a few of them lead to a goal. I recommend you hit the ball in the other top corner from where the keeper is standing. Hitting the ball in the top corner is the hardest area for the keeper to save. You can score from the bottom corner, but the keeper has more of a chance to save the shot. Hit it as close to the post as you can, as the keeper will be afraid of hurting themselves by diving on the post.

Plan the way you hit the Ball
There is two ways: A curve shot and a driven shot. A curve shot is putting spin on the ball, therefore it will curve in a direction. A driven shot is just blasting the ball straight to goal. I prefer curve shots as it fools the keeper, as they will dive one way but the ball will go the other way.
Take a run-up and try to bend backwards while placing your non-kicking foot aside the ball.Then kick the ball with instep of your foot.This will add more curve to the ball.

Don't be afraid to miss: Just take a chance and go for goal. But remember, accuracy is more important than power. If you don't hit the target you're not going to score.

The Pro Level

Curl Shots between 18-25 Yards
Place the ball on the spot. Make sure the valve is pointing towards you, as it is the hardest part of the ball.
Take 5 to 7 spaces back.
FOR LEFT FOOTERS: Line up slightly left of the ball.
FOR RIGHT FOOTERS: Line up slightly right of the ball.
Run on your toes at medium pace, then when you're halfway from the ball and your starting position, gradually get faster.
Your last step has to be fast and long.
When you shoot, place your non-kicking foot about ten inches away. Your non-kicking leg has to be as firm as possible.
When you're about to kick the ball, bring your kicking leg as far back as possible, and shoot.Aim for the top corners, and put curl on the ball. Curl shots are perfect for accuracy and placement. For this type of free kick, the outside of the boot is better, as doing an inside of the foot shot means that you are going to change your body position and that mucks up your shot.

Driven Shots longer than 25 Yards
This is the same setup as for a curl shot.
Place the ball on the spot. Make sure the valve is pointing towards you, as it is the hardest part of the ball.
This time, take 10 to 12 spaces back, as you need more power.
This time, you are going to use your laces and shoot straight in the middle of the ball to make the ball go straight.
Aim for the top corners. This is harder, because the more power you put in the shot, the less accuracy is in the shot. You will need to practice everyday.

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